Meet the talented and diverse professionals who drive our success.

 At CHF, we pride ourselves on our collaborative spirit and dedication to excellence. Together, we deliver outstanding results for our clients every day.

Board of Trustees

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Felix Ilesanmi

PhD UrbanDev

Professor of Urban and Regional Development, Architect, Town Planning, Landscape and Environment. Climate, Technical Educationist. Postgraduate Diploma in Tech Education, research projects with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), Human Settlements projects, and Institutional and City Master Plan projects.

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Elijah Ayodele


Quantity Surveying, Construction Management & Economics option. Fellow, Nigeria Institute of Quantity Surveyors (FNIQS); Certified/ Registered Construction Arbitrator (CCArb) with interest in Construction Economics, cost and time minimizing; quality maximization.


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Adedoyin Adesina, PhD., Cert Health Econs

Program Manager

Adedoyin Adesina, PhD., is a Public Health Parasitologist, mixed-method research expertise which has been used in health and Education, has managed many large multicountry WHO and Gates-funded health projects and currently managing the FCDO-funded multi-year education research in conflict settings (ERICC). Has evaluated education, nutrition, and health projects and served as qualitative and quantitative data management specialist.

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Muhammad Umar, BSc.

Project Administrator

Business and Project Administrator, Finance and Banking, Market Strategist, Educationist

Research Workstream

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Sani Njobdi, PhD.

Research Manager

Mixed methodological research, community interactive evidence engagement, health and education research expertise. Lectures at Modibbo Adama University, Yola, in Public and Tropical Health.

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Aisha Abdu-Ismail, PhD.

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Michael Watts, PhD.

Education in the Global South's low- and middle-income countries, education for human development, policy analysis and qualitative and mixed methods evaluation and research, Sociology and philosophy of education.

Evidence Use Workstream

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Jidere Kaibo, M.Ed.

Evidence Use Lead

Education, Adult and non-formal learning, Special Education, Teacher Development, Community participatory research.

Capacity Development Workstream

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Emmanuel Ayeni, PhD, MPH

Capacity Develoment Lead