
Teaching in Distress An assessment of the impact of protracted violence due to insurgence on the Primary School teaching workforce in Borno State, Nigeria.

The education system in North East Nigeria has been devastated by nearly eight years of armed conflict between Boko Haram and the Nigerian government.

However, the security situation has significantly improved since early 2016 and decision makers in both government and non-governmental organisations are beginning to turn their attention from emergency response to early recovery and have begun work on reconstruction, including studies of the state of education (see Coinco and Morris 2017).

Relatively little attention has however been paid to the state of the Teaching force (see NAEC 2016). The United Kingdom (UK) Department for International Development (DFID) therefore requested the Education Data, Research and Evaluation in Nigeria initiative (EDOREN) to prepare options for a Teacher Tracking Study in Borno State.

This report presents findings from a compilation and analysis of an EMIS carried out by the Borno State SUBEB in 2017 and of interviews and interactions in 2018 with a sample of teachers working in affected communities in Borno State drawn from that EMIS. It seeks to assess the impact of the protracted conflict on the teachers and their work.

Partners/Funders: EDORN and UKaid
Source: ResearchGate